Honor Code Complaint

Denotes required fields.
No individual may file a complaint on behalf of another person. The Complainant must have actual and direct knowledge and/or involvement in the reported situation. By submitting this form, you assert this complaint is made in good faith and certify that all the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge.

Article 1: Academic Integrity

All individuals are expected to demonstrate academic integrity. Academic integrity violations fall into six categories: cheating, plagiarism, facilitating academic dishonesty, abuse of academic materials, stealing, and lying.


The use of or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, notes, student aids or other devices, or obtaining unauthorized assistance from any source for work submitted as one’s own individual efforts in any class, clinic, assignment, or examination.


  1. Copying from another student’s paper or test, or receiving assistance from another person during an exam or other assignment in a manner not authorized by the instructor.
  2. Possessing, buying, selling, removing, receiving or using at any time or in any manner not previously authorized by the instructor a copy or copies of any exam or other materials (in whole or in part) intended to be used as an instrument of evaluation in advance of its administration.
  3. Using material or equipment not authorized by the instructor during a test or other academic evaluation, such as crib notes, a calculator, tape recorder, PDA or other personal electronic device.
  4. Working with another or others on any exam, take home exam, computer or laboratory work; or any other assignment when the instructor has required independent and unaided effort.
  5. Attempting to influence or change an academic evaluation, grade or record by deceit or unfair means, such as: (1) damaging the academic work of another student to gain an unfair advantage in an academic evaluation; (2) marking or submitting an exam or other assignment in a manner designed to deceive the grading system.
  6. Submitting without prior permission the same academic work that has been submitted in identical or similar form in another class or in fulfillment of any other academic requirement at the University.
  7. Permitting another to substitute for one’s self during an exam or any other type of academic evaluation.
  8. Gaining an unfair advantage in an academic evaluation by receiving specific information about a test, exam, or other assignment.
  9. Using an audience response device (‘clicker’) for any class activity other than the one expressly assigned to the student.


Representing orally or in writing, in any academic assignment or exercise, the words, ideas or works of another as one’s own without customary and proper acknowledgement of the source.


  1. Submitting material or work for evaluation, in whole or in part, which has been prepared by another individual(s) or commercial service.
  2. Directly quoting from a source without the customary or proper citation.
  3. Paraphrasing or summarizing another’s work without acknowledging the source.
  4. Downloading material from websites without appropriate documentation.

Facilitating Academic Dishonesty

Helping or attempting to help another person commit an act of academic dishonesty.


  1. Providing assistance to anther during an exam or other assignment in a manner not authorized by the instructor.
  2. Acting as a substitute for another in any exam or any other type of academic evaluation.
  3. Providing specific information about a recently given test, exam or other assignment to another student who thereby gains an unfair advantage in an academic evaluation.
  4. Permitting one’s academic work to be represented as the work of another.
  5. Preparing for sale, barter, or loan to another such items as unauthorized papers, notes or abstracts of lectures and readings.

Abuse of Academic Materials

Destroying or making inaccessible academic resource materials.


Destroying, hiding, or otherwise making unavailable for common use drug information resource room, library, computer, or other academic reference materials; and destroying hiding, or otherwise making unavailable another’s notes, experiments, computer programs, or other academic work.


Taking, attempting to take, or withholding the property of another thereby permanently or temporarily depriving the owner of its use of possession.


Unauthorized removal of drug information resources, library materials, examinations, computer programs, or any other academic materials, including obtaining advance access to an examination through collusion with a University employee or otherwise; and taking another’s academic work, such as papers computer programs, laboratory experiments, or research results.


Making any oral or written statement that the individual knows to be untrue.


Making a false statement to any instructor or other University employee in an attempt to gain advantage or exception; falsifying evidence or testifying falsely, such as in a Honor Council hearing; inventing or counterfeiting data, research results, research procedures, internship or practicum experiences or other information; and citing a false source for referenced material/data.

Article 2: Professional Behavior

Definitions and Guidelines

All individuals are expected to behave professionally. All unprofessional behavior is a violation of the honor code. Unprofessional behavior includes any act or omission that is unethical, improper, or contrary to accepted pharmacy practice or procedure and/or in violation of any local, state, or federal laws and regulations that may affect a student’s ability to continue in the program or practice pharmacy.

Substance Abuse

Unprofessional behavior related to substance abuse within the College, in experiential rotation settings, and within the profession includes but is not limited to:

  1. Unlawful and unauthorized manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of narcotics, controlled substances, illicit drugs or alcohol;
  2. Abuse of any controlled substance, illicit drug, or alcohol;
  3. Operation of a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol and/or other drug(s);
  4. Alteration or withholding of records to conceal drug abuse;
  5. Termination of employment or removal from an experiential rotation site for theft, fraud, deception, or illegal use or abuse of any substance;
  6. Actions that result in the conviction of a drug or alcohol-related misdemeanor;
  7. Actions that result in the conviction of a felony;
  8. Actions which result in probation, revocation or suspension of a Pharmacy Intern License (or equivalent) by any State Board of Pharmacy or equivalent health professional regulatory board; or
  9. Inability to qualify for a Pharmacy Intern License (or equivalent) by any State Board of Pharmacy or equivalent health professional regulatory board.

Unlawful and illicit for these purposes means in violation of federal, state or local regulations, policy, procedures, and rules, including legal statutes. Educational setting means University or College operated buildings and grounds or while conducting University or College business away from the actual premises, including experiential or service-learning sites. Professional activities relates to professional meetings. The use of all tobacco products, including cigarettes and dipping or chewing tobacco, is prohibited on the College’s campus. Therefore, no student, faculty, or staff member may use tobacco products on the Fort Wayne campus premises, including parking lots.
The use of alcohol is prohibited on the College’s campus without express written permission of the dean.

Conduct Within the College/University

This portion of the code focuses on the behavior of students in all educational settings.


An environment conducive to learning depends on behavior of mutual respect among students, faculty, administration, and staff. The College does not tolerate disrespect or lack of civility toward any member of the College community. Any inappropriate verbal, written, or e-mail remarks that disrespect, harass, discriminate, intimidate or demean the character of another individual will be dealt with through formal disciplinary procedures.

Classroom Etiquette

Students are expected to exhibit self-discipline in the classroom. Certain behaviors are prohibited during class time. Although not exhaustive, the following behaviors are prohibited:

  1. Habitually arriving late to class. If you are late and class has already begun, you should enter the room quietly and take the first open seat.
  2. Confronting the instructor in an aggressive manner. This type of behavior creates an unacceptable environment for all parties involved.
  3. Conversation or making noise during the presentation of material. Waiting until the breaks during lecture time to converse with other students is the accepted way to discuss issues.
  4. Walking in and out of the classroom during presentations. The expectation is that students should remain seated for the entire presentation. If you must leave, do so as quietly as possible with minimal disruption.
  5. Habitually leaving class early. The expectation is that students will attend class in its entirety.
  6. Overt inattentiveness. Students should attempt to pay attention for the full length a class. Reading books, newspapers, using a cell phone or working on assignments for another class is not acceptable. Being overtly inattentive is disrespectful to the instructor and other students in the class.
  7. Inappropriate laptop/computer use. During class, computers may be used for note-taking purposes only. Activities such as e-mailing, watching movies, instant or text messaging, searching the internet, etc. will not be permitted in the lecture hall while class is in session.
  8. Not keeping College laptop updated and functional – not reporting or following up promptly with Information Technology Services (ITS) after any laptop malfunction.
  9. Ringing cell phones. Cell phones should be placed on silent or turned off during classes and labs. In addition, cell phones may not be used to text message during class time.
  10. Not showing patience or courtesy to other students when they ask a question or make a statement. The expectation is that students will show respect for one another when they speak; material that is clear to some may not be evident to others.
  11. Dominating classroom discussion or interrupting the instructor. The expectation is that the student will not interrupt other students or the instructor while speaking.
  12. Sleeping in class. This is very distracting to classmates and disrespectful to faculty.
  13. Dressing inappropriately. All students should adhere to the College Dress Code as stated in this Handbook (page 20).
  14. Monopolizing the presenter’s time with questions that may not be generally relevant to the subject being discussed. Students that have specific questions should approach the instructor following the lecture or during office hours.
  15. Disputing the instructor’s authority or expertise. Students should not try to devalue the professor’s authority, judgment, and expertise.
  16. Eating or drinking from unapproved containers in the lecture halls.
  17. Chewing gum in such a way that it makes noises that will be distracting to neighboring students.
  18. Shuffling through papers, cleaning out a backpack, or purse during lecture.
  19. Attending class under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.

Examination Etiquette

Examination policies are delineated in each course syllabus.

Conduct in Experiential Rotation Settings

While on rotation in the introductory and advanced pharmacy practice experiences, professional behavior is expected at all times from Manchester students. Students must dress in appropriate and professional attire while at any experiential learning site. Please refer to the College Dress Code (page 20). This includes dress shirts and ties for men with nice pants or skirts/dresses/slacks for women. Your College identification badge along with any institution-issued ID badge must be worn at all times. For other specific details regarding the experiential rotation settings, please refer to the COP Experiential Education Manual.

Conduct when Serving

Service is an integral component of our academic program and mission. A student in the Manchester University College of Pharmacy providing service to others must do so with the utmost professionalism and integrity. Students participating in any service event must continue to adhere to the honor code. The honor code applies to all aspects of a student’s participation in service, including the necessary processes to confirm an event, participation in the event, and the final reporting of the event and experiences. For other specific details regarding service, please refer to the Service folder, within the COP Home folder of D2L.

Conduct within the Profession

Students in the Manchester University College of Pharmacy are expected to demonstrate professionalism and integrity during class, on rotation, in service settings and in their personal lives. Whether attending a pharmacy meeting, going to a continuing education program, or participating with other organizations, you are representing a profession, a College, and a University at all times. Strive to be the example that others may look up to and emulate.

Conduct within the College/University:


Please identify individuals that you have consulted with during this process (e.g. course coordinator, faculty mentor, etc.)
Please describe, in detail, the alleged behavior that constitutes the alleged violation checked above. Please address each violation checked above separately and list dates of occurrences.
List and describe all evidence that exists to support this claim. Any evidence you intend to use to support this complaint must be listed.
List names and email addresses for all witnesses/individuals who have relevant information in support of this complaint.